Who We Help


Business leaders

We are the only brand to recognise the needs of executive business leaders.

We use science-backed mindfulness and meditation skills designed for managing your stress through the working day.


Professional, financial and public services managers

We are the only brand to enable workers to take control and manage stress in a fast-moving complex environment.

Practical solutions for coping with lack of certainty and transition in a fast-moving workplace.

entrepreneur female woman stressed mindful work life worklife mindfulness meditation stress course retreat


We help SMEs grow by identifying and taking control of stress-related health risks. We are the only brand to use science-backed meditation in an environment that doesn’t take entrepreneurs and small business owners away from their businesses. We help SMEs grow.

workers employees commute stressed mindful work life worklife mindfulness meditation stress course retreat

All workers

Managing stress as part of a healthy lifestyle. We are the only brand to identify and take control of stress whether at work or at home. We provide transferable science-backed mindfulness and meditation skills to manage your work / life balance.